About Me

Hello! Thank you for visiting my blog. My name is Kimberly and I a resident and local Realtor in the Fredericksburg, Virginia area. I have a Bachelors Degree in Communications & Applied Technology and am five classes from my MBA. We live in the outskirts of Fredericksburg in Spotsylvania in a cape cod style home. We have three dogs (Golden Retrievers & Pomeranian) and my son is a senior in high school this year... boy I am getting old!

My love of homes and design is what inspired me to become a Realtor. I was always the girl that went to open houses, snuck inside new construction homes, and visited model homes just to see the design of the homes inside and out. I love my job because I get to help people find a home and a benefit of being a Realtor is seeing all the newest design trends. In addition to seeing new design trends, I also get to see the DIY disasters, mishaps, and "please never do this if you want to ever sell your home"!

I love EVERYTHING from crafting, home projects, painting, furniture refinishing and I am NOT afraid of power tools! I love finding ways to incorporate those ideas on a budget. My style is more traditional with a country flare. I love turning furniture and household items from trash to treasure and I believe almost all things can be reused if you add a little creativity. I am always on a budget so any way I can get those looks on a budget, I am all for it! I love sharing my ideas and advice with clients on ways to incorporate those design ideas into their new homes or sharing with my sellers on ideas to get the MOST from their home. Small changes can make a HUGE impact to the feel of a house.

This blog is dedicated to my journey with making my house a home on a budget, sharing inspirations I take from my daily job, trash to treasure attempts, tips to stage your home, and all things related to making a house a home.. 

 Thank you again for visiting my blog.

If you live in the area or are relocating and would like to search homes for sale or are interested in selling your home, please visit my Realtor website at www.sellinva.com or contact me anytime via email or phone.

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